In this 31-minute video, I explore two topics that are essential for achieving emotional calmness and a quieter mind: your belief systems and your Reticular Activating System (RAS). The RAS is the part of your unconscious brain that filters information—both positive and negative—and sends it to your conscious mind – ignore reprogramming this at your peril!
Goal of video
I can’t express how important this video is. Although on the surface, it seems quite tame and simple, what it does to your unconscious mind is very effective and can be life-changing.
However, a lot of work needs to be put in, just knowing this information is only step one; the execution of the repetition and learning how to use a whole new internal dialogue is fundamental to your growth.
Key messages
I detail the ‘Bring it on’ ERP tool that you can use to bravely interact with your anxiety – make sure you try this!
I discuss how your beliefs affect your thoughts, behaviours and outcomes.
As we sleep information in our brain is sorted into what you keep and what you forget – this is based on our beliefs. So, if you believe you are stupid you will remember any comments that point in that direction and forget any comments that prove you to be smart!
Changing beliefs is key to rewiring your brain.
The Reticular Activating System (RAS) HAS TO BE REPROGRAMMED!!!!!!
The RAS controls:
- Our attention
- Goal achievement
- Keeping us alive and safe
If left alone (not reprogrammed) your unconscious mind will just keep on doing the same thing over and over again, regardless of what you consciously want it to do!
WE MUST consciously reprogram our unconscious mind.