In this 71-minute video, we explore the accuracy of the knowledge stored in our brains and how we can seek real-world feedback to improve the quality of the data we use for decision-making. This is especially important because anxiety and OCD can distort our perception of reality.
Additionally, we discuss how our beliefs can hinder our ability to learn new things that could facilitate our growth. As a result, we might unconsciously sabotage our own progress without even realising it!
Information about this video
I’ve called this video – Releasing your greatness by consciously hacking into your unconscious brain, to test the integrity of the data it uses to make decisions.
Because if your anxiety stops you from driving your car, or makes you repeatedly check things, or if you have to please everybody, if you are averse to risk, or if you can’t touch anything red, or if you can’t use a public toilet – or if you think you’ll harm or abuse another person.
Then perhaps the unconscious data your brain currently uses to analyse your situation and formulate your automatic responses might have become corrupted.
Therefore, by repeatedly avoiding that which scares you and running the same fearful stories, you’ll be using (negative ERP), which reinforces those fears over the top of the corrupted (or incorrect) data.
This is why (without a sensible intervention program) people usually get stuck, worry more get worse and sadly squander the (potentially) best years of their lives, going around in circles (and pretending it is OK) when it obviously isn’t.
So, our new plan is to develop a strategy whereby we can isolate certain brain parts, reformat them, scrub the data, and then reintroduce new data more aligned with the automatic responses we’d prefer our brain to use in the future.
And that’s the goal of this video: to show you the what and why of reprogramming yourself so you can then take this information and modify it to suit your specific issues, then do the work (and the repetition) to code these new responses back into the brain, of the head, of the body. – Which is not you, as you are (conscious awareness) the observer of what the brain and body do!
As ever, I can’t give you any proof this is true, but it seems to be common sense true, and it’s certainly what I found to be true for me – and you must find what is true for you, as we are all different, but there are many patterns and similarities.
So, for this new form of positive ERP to work, the first step is to deeply acknowledge (if you can) that 99% of all the things that happen to you are automatically done by the body and the brain – they are unconscious, they are automatic, and they are incredible, they are not intellectual, but they are very functional.
They keep you alive, cell reproduction, digestion, breathing, waste removal, temperature control, reproduction and natural immunity, all automatically, silently working together, keeping you safe as best they can if you would only get out of their way and stop interfering.
The brain/body just does what it was programmed to do, with a bias to keeping you alive and reproducing, but its logic is simplistic, like an eight-year- old.
All this happens unconsciously to you, not driven by conscious you! Even walking, talking, eating, typing, having sex, running, wiggling your fingers – you are not doing it.
You may initialise it with a conscious thought – “I’ll wiggle my fingers”, but, thereafter, it just happens; like me talking, it just comes out by itself.
If you accidentally slip, then recover your balance or if you roll over while sleeping – though it feels like you are consciously doing these things, you are not – they happen unconsciously.
You get cleverly awoken from your slumber by your unconscious, which makes you move because the blood has stopped flowing to your left leg, so you need to roll over onto your right-hand side to stop tissue damage.
But as you wake, you get all grumpy and say, “Why can’t I sleep?” Rather than saying, “Thank you, little body, for keeping me safe, and I’m sorry that my fat legs cause you these circulation problems.
Let me set myself some conscious intentions to lose weight, do more exercise, and get some cold shower exposures to increase flexibility in my circulatory system – as I wish to help you as much as you are non- judgementally helping me, even though I am so horrible to you!”
Can you see what a different story this is?
Our unconscious brain/body is elegantly simple – it keeps us alive, urges us to reproduce, tries to second guess what will happen next so we are prepared, and then it attempts to offer up proposals (ideas, concepts, thoughts) for
what it thinks might be an appropriate response for our best well-being (in that moment) based upon all the information that was included in the programs that were programmed into us as we grew up.
Your body will never judge you – it’s here to serve you unconditionally; it operates automatically by the programs programmed into it from others and from how you have trained it via how you consciously talk to it each day.
What it hears the most (regardless of its truth) – forms its unconscious belief systems, which, once automated, stop any evidence not in line with that belief from ever entering into the memory of the brain.
This is why there is no point reassuring an anxious person because their belief system will just unconsciously reject (and forget) whatever you tell them – and then it will still run the same belief system because it has no evidence to support it changing – as it already rejected that information – it is an elegant OCD loop, trap.
This is why you can tell a person you love them ten times or check the door is locked ten times, but they still don’t believe you because that data is not actually getting past the brain’s belief system firewall and into the core of the brain to be registered.
Therefore, it is only by breaking the belief system – and gaining new real-life experiences that those old beliefs might be changed.
Do you remember when we were children and played that game where you had to find something hidden, and the other children would say ‘warmer’ or ‘colder’ depending on whether you were getting closer or going the wrong way?
Well, our auto-meat-suit communicates by making us feel pain (biologically, mentally and emotionally) when we are going the wrong way in life or if we misunderstand the basics of what it needs – it is screaming colder, colder, but it does it biologically and unconsciously by scaring us with our worst fears to get our attention.
Then, when we get it right, it rewards us with deep pleasure – so we know we are on the right path for both what it needs (as our service provider) and what we need to do as we grow to become of more use to nature by becoming wiser, more creative and more loving.
It’s absolutely incredible!
It’s here for you – program it and tell it what you consciously want it to do – because if you don’t, society, corporations, culture, religion or the media will – then you are just a passenger dragged along behind your programmed horse, rather than the fearless immortal rider of that wonderful multi-function-tool (at whatever stage of its reconditioning you happen to find it in today!)