In this 59-minute video, I’d like to share with you the techniques and tricks I used on myself to lovingly reprogram my own little meat suit, my horsey, my pet, into becoming calmer, braver, more trusting and more honest – which ultimately made him a much more useful (and fun) device for allowing me to experience this incredible existence more fully!
I discuss how I desensitised my body from its old anxious responses and rewrote (to the best of my ability) the new script for my inner dialogue and guidance.
Information about this video
I’ve called this video – Tips, techniques and examples for how to stop Responding (to your thoughts and feelings) as you apply ERP to your new life…
This information is based on my personal experience of overcoming anxiety, shyness, self-consciousness, and OCD to a point where they no longer impact my life.
I have chosen to use extreme examples that may seem more suitable for someone with OCD rather than just conventional anxiety.
However, the techniques discussed are applicable to all types of anxiety as you develop more self-esteem and courage.
Whether you experience discomfort due to feeling contaminated, nervous because of your shyness (or have low self-esteem) or experience an intrusive or scary internal dialogue – you should still prioritise what is best for your life in the long run rather than simply seeking temporary relief from your fears by avoiding that which makes you anxious.
I want to show you ways to consciously stop responding to your unconscious sabotage, though we must embrace the fact that we are all different, and you must experiment to find the way that works best for you.
So, let me start with a quick one-minute summary of the first three parts of this five-part ERP Series, in case you missed them.
And remember, the reason this course is lengthy and repetitive is because I have been chipping away at your unconscious belief systems, showing you new ways to live (and observe life) – and debunking the myth that
you are your brain – you have a brain, and you will function just fine if you stop believing everything it thinks and tells you!
And, as you learn to stop identifying with the (over-developed) intellectual part of your brain and begin to trust yourself more – you’ll soon realise that life can be much simpler than you were ever told. (As I detailed in video 40, called “The battle between innate common sense and your over developed intellect!”
To overcome anxiety, you’ll need to desensitise your brain and body, develop a new story in your mind, adopt new belief systems, and behave in ways that align with your new intentions – this is just a process which can be followed regardless of what is currently happening within you or to you!
You can’t remain the same person and just release your anxiety – because it’s being you that’s currently causing it!
Also, very often, an anxious person is doing Negative ERP to themselves (as I detailed in video 50 part 1), and they aren’t even aware of the fact they are
reinforcing their own limitations – by consistently thinking about that which makes them feel anxious.
Put another way – the most practical way to use ERP, Exposure
and Response Prevention – is to consciously Expose yourself to a set
of new thoughts and behaviours that will propel you into becoming who you Desire to become and doing what you Desire to be able to do.
And even if you don’t know what you wish to do, you can decide who you would like to become and start living that way (now) in preparation for when you can choose what you wish to do.
For example, if you wish to become more social and more entertaining, rather than waiting until your anxiety goes – start doing these things now: start talking to more people as part of your new exposure routines, smile at everybody, start learning and telling jokes.
Even though this new exposure will initially feel awkward – you will be able to (later) tell funny stories about your adventures and mishaps.
One lady recently told me a story about mustering up enough courage to ask a work colleague out for a coffee, but as she spoke to him, she blushed like a beetroot and stumbled to get her words out.
She said that (inside) she was dying and didn’t know what to do – however, the guy figured out what she meant and said, “I’d love to have a coffee with you.”
Over time, they did begin a relationship, and later, once he knew her better, he admitted that he had said yes to the coffee because he had felt sorry for her, BUT as he got to know her and experienced who she really
was (beneath her nervous disposition) – he fell in love with her and truly respected what courage it had taken for her to take that first step.
As I keep telling you – courage is feeling vulnerable yet still taking action regardless of the outcome – and her story is such a wonderful example of this.
So, as you consciously Expose yourself to these new ways of thinking and behaving, you consciously Prevent yourself from Responding to the
old unconscious (body/brain) thoughts and feelings that try to stop you – you learn to sit with them, interrupt them or ignore them.
To do this, it makes sense to follow a process to get things done – rather than listening to the ‘old stories’ and beliefs of your brain – or the feelings of your body – which are currently trying to direct you – but tend to keep you trapped in anxious exhaustion.