John Glanvill • Anxiety Specialist & Researcher • Anxiety • OCD • Bipolar • ADHD • Energy • Online Treatment Course • Sensible Spirituality

Applying ERP to energy and universal consciousness

In this 69-minute video, which is the last of my five mini-ERP series, I explore the concept that – if you have REALLY applied ERP to your world and you still have anxiety, then what else might you do?

The answer is to apply ERP to the right-brain side of your nature and the energy of nature itself…

Expose yourself to Universal concepts and Prevent the Responses of your left brain/intellect/ego from talking you out of not looking for real-world feedback  – that’s what I did, and here’s my story.

Information about this video

This is the final part of my ERP mini-series, and in this episode, I’ll be discussing what options are available if you’ve tried all the mainstream scientific techniques available but still feel overwhelmed with anxiety or underwhelmed by depression.

Because, if you have looped around all of my videos two or three times – and if you’ve tried all the pharmaceutical options, and if you’ve explored all psychological options and if you are eating well, exercising, and you’re on top of your housing, family, work, and relationship issues.

And if you have clearly defined intentions and you are actively taking steps towards achieving them and if you finally love yourself – and you still have anxiety – then what are you going to do?

Well, perhaps it would be common sense to ask your left brain, which may have been disregarding alternative or unscientific ideas, to invite your right brain to the party because, surely, complete health encompasses the mind, the body, and the Soul.

And that’s what this video is all about – and I’ve called it “How might we apply ERP to concepts we currently doubt might be true, just in case they are true and (may) contain the solutions we unknowingly seek?”

So, let’s discuss how we might enhance our right-brain thinking to explore perspectives more common in Eastern (or Spiritual) cultures, which suggest that we are closely linked to the energy and wisdom of the Universe, which is not commonly taught in the Western world.

Now, I’m sure some of you may have some intellectual resistance to this information; however, since you have come this far with me, let’s just see where it goes.

I would like to investigate alternative methods to release trauma and stuck energy from within us without relying solely on our intellect.

However, to do this, we must open our minds to concepts such as Karma, blocked chakras, ancestral influences, parasitic energetic forms, past life experiences, and egregores, which are energetic attractor fields that appear to hold energy and knowledge and influence the masses seemingly outside of their awareness.

Could it be that we are being affected by these energetic forces outside of our conscious awareness, much like an iron filing wouldn’t realise it was being influenced by a magnet, the sea doesn’t realise it’s being influenced by the moon or sand on a metal plate might not realise it’s being affected by frequency?

Remember, we are not made of flesh and bones – our flesh and bones are made of atoms, which are made of energy – and energy has knowledge.

And it gets better – because if we go deeper, we are made of all this really cool quantum shit, like quarks and things, and they can be in two places at the same time – and they can get all entangled and instantly mirror each over any distance across the universe faster than the speed of light, and jump between being a wave or a particle depending on whether they are being observed or not and all that Einstein quantum crazy stuff.

So, from that perspective, it becomes really interesting to view ourselves as an intelligent blob of energy swimming in a sea of intelligent energy, along with eight billion other blobs of intelligent energy, on a ball of intelligent energy, flying through space filled with gazillions of other intelligent balls of energy and they are all connected by energy.

So, now if we start talking about the concept of an intelligent Universe, it starts to become a little more feasible – don’t you think?

So, this video is really what this whole course has been leading up to, me sharing my wonderous journey of all the crazy things that have happened to me, that I can’t explain, but have been so life-changing and incredible that I have wanted to capture every detail so others who choose to follow this path can build upon what I found and pass that on to others too.

Everything I am about to share with you, I believe in one hundred per cent, but I can’t prove it to you, and I can’t show you the maths, but it has been my eye-opening inner reality experience.

So, this is the video where I say – What if there is a whole other dimension out there interacting with us, that our intellect may resist considering – even though – from the beginning of all recorded history, people all around the world have been writing about such concepts.

Twenty years ago, when my therapist and mentors tried to nudge me down these paths of study – the degree of resistance I experienced from my left brain was intense; in fact, I would estimate I wasted at least four or five years of my emotional growth by postponing my exploration of these perspectives.

Therefore, it would be remiss of me not to share my experiences with you.

I guess what I am saying to you is don’t let your existing beliefs confine your ability to explore new concepts and always consider that what you were taught in school (or university) may not have been the whole truth, and your brain’s memories are very fallible.

In fact, my favourite Dr Hawkins quote is – “Memory is the recall of illusion as it compounds over the years!” And I just love that!

As I mentioned in earlier videos, these days, I prioritise happiness over being right. I don’t necessarily need to understand something to trust it, and I find rules no longer provide me with security – they simply limit my opportunities.

So, my progress towards calmness was enhanced exponentially once I learned how to use my conscious awareness to monitor and
evaluate the thoughts of my brain – rather than blindly accepting what it offered me as being the truth of anything.

Plus, when something strange did work, I had to drop my need to understand why – and simply enjoy the benefits from that success, regardless of
how unconventional it may have seemed.

And finally, when I decided to trust in some Universal force beyond my understanding, it was immensely liberating for me.

It made me realise that the Universe may have plans for me that go beyond my desires, and as long as I take action each day and learn to trust more, how those actions fit into the game of life and what outcomes arise from them, will be the Universe’s responsibility, not mine.

Then, as my faith grew stronger, I realised that there were many responsibilities that I had taken on, which were not even mine to begin with.

I was able to let them go because I understood that by potentially interfering in someone else’s Karma, I might be creating more problems for myself (and them); I had to learn to trust there was a power that would guide and support them too.

Another surprising thing I learned was that even after I had discovered new things, my unconscious mind might still hold onto the old beliefs and stories that it had been programmed with.

For example, though I have been on a ketogenic diet for over a year and try to avoid sugars therefore hardly eat any fruit – my unconscious brain still tells me I ought to be ‘eating my five a day’ such is the depth of its conditioning from the ‘science and the marketing’ it was repeatedly exposed to.

Sensibly, I’ve trained my brain to self to (consciously) ignore those old (echo) thoughts – as I can also now do with prior intrusive thoughts or negative self-conscious stories from my distant past.

Therefore, as I explored more and more unconventional (and alternative) methods – I had to temporarily suspend my old belief systems long enough to test these new theories out – no matter how hard my unconscious tried to sabotage me from taking action.

However, what I found and the significant (experiential) positive changes to my wellness – as a result of being able to release old traumas, clear negative energy blocks, and drop old conditioned responses (like guilt, fear and doubt) made all this work incredibly worthwhile.

I’d also like to say that the knowledge I’m about to share is based on my personal experiences; however, I do not claim to specialise in this type of work.

I just wish to share my experiences (and thoughts) so you can decide if you wish to explore these concepts for yourself – or you can work with professionals who specialise in these more metaphysical practices.

Continued in this amazing video…