Goal of video
Here, we build upon video 20’s introduction to anxiety loops and how the best place to make changes within our minds is at the negative thinking level, not by fearing our physical symptoms or wrestling with avoidance behaviours.
These negative thinking styles were mostly unconsciously installed within us when we were children.
Unknowingly, we identify with them as our thoughts or who we are rather than just ‘thinking styles’ that our brains ‘just adopted’ in response to the early traumas we experienced.
In this video, I will share with you examples of what happens when you uncover and then change negative stories about yourself into positive ones that are more likely to serve us better.
Key messages
We need to learn how to manage emotions and ignore thoughts.
How can we separate the stories from the emotional pain?
Most events can quite easily be handled one emotions have been processed.
Vulnerability + Action = Courage (regardless of outcome)
How can we recognise the negative thought patterns?
People try to fix themselves at levels four and five – whereas real change occurs at level two (Changing styles of thinking).