John Glanvill • Anxiety Specialist & Researcher • Anxiety • OCD • Bipolar • ADHD • Energy • Online Treatment Course • Sensible Spirituality

Letting go of your demons

In this 52-minute video, we explore letting go of our demons, meaning addictions or energies that affect our thoughts and behaviours that we no longer wish to have running us.

Goal of video

This video is called letting go of your demons, where we explore what we can consciously do to change unwanted behaviours driven from our unconscious.

The title sounds weird – but this is an important video.

Key messages

An addiction is something you can’t consciously stop; therefore, it is being driven unconsciously, externally or by some other form of energy.

We have been programmed and are being unconsciously run from the programs we have been programmed with!

We can’t consciously stop this as it is happening unconsciously!

So, we must consciously reprogram our unconscious but using the language of the unconscious.

Everything is made from energy, which is mostly invisible, needs a fuel source and seems to be formless. Like a formless thought that can influence form (your body) via an emotion.

Can we become the sum of our parts rather than being run by some of our parts?

Let’s explore anxiety versus calmness…

Calmness is not just the opposite of anxiety; it is the antidote!

Can we remove the food source from our energetic, parasitic demons? They feed off depression, drama, fear, worry and scary stories (sound familiar?)

More breath-work ideas and tools for calming yourself down – as (metaphorically speaking) our demons can’t handle calmness, so leave us 🙂