Goal of video
Most anxiety, worry, stress and fears – are based upon a story of what might happen in the future (which, of course, hasn’t happened yet, so isn’t true).
Or they develop from stories about past memories (but, as we know, we can’t trust our memories), which may invoke sadness, guilt, or other negative emotions.
Either way, neither of those things are truly happening, they are just virtual reality stories in your head – but you still get agitated (because your body thinks all thoughts are real).
This is an unnecessary and exhausting strain on your little horsey, plus it wastes lots of your (very valuable) time doing uncreative things that either distract you from that stress or compulsions that alleviate it.
Key messages
Until you know what you want from life, perhaps you need a temporary model to use?
Can we continue developing our skills to be able to separate emotions from stories?
Do you know if we need opinions? By taking a more neutral stance, it gives us the space to observe how needy our ego’s are to impress or tell others what is good/bad, right/wrong etc.
Pain is one thing – but, suffering is an option…
Our ego is an energy field and is fuelled from energy – ie, our negative emotions – can we begin to starve it?
How we can move from doubting to trusting as our conscious mindset, until that mindset updates our unconscious mind and becomes our natural state?
Doubting life’s opportunities and not taking action – yet still wishing your life to be different – is a trap and the absurdity of anxiety, OCD and depression!
Learning the power of the “I don’t know” story!