If you don’t have a dream, life will dream you…..
You must consciously tell your unconscious what you need, or it will run other people’s dreams inside your head by default.
Is that what you want?
This is my Visions Board Video from 2019 I’ve done everything on it, and I’m mid-way through making my next one.
My Vision Board Video from 2019
Here is my Digital Vision Board Video in a mind movie format that I watch each morning. It helps train my brain and keeps my unconscious mind focused on my goals and intentions. As you may know, I am a strong believer in vision boards, which allow you to represent all your dreams, goals, and intentions visually. By watching it each morning, you remind yourself of what is important and which direction you want to go in. Watching it again before bed allows your unconscious mind to work on those goals while you sleep.
Taking the time to think about the direction you want your life to take is a sensible and worthwhile endeavor. It’s not always easy, but it is essential for several reasons. First, it ensures you are not wasting precious time and energy. Second, and this is fundamental, our bodies—and particularly our internal chemistry—respond to our thoughts. We see this in action all the time: happy people feel happy, while sad people feel sad. It often amazes me that people don’t realize they need to influence their internal chemistry to produce the right chemicals, rather than relying on prescription drugs. If you think fun thoughts, you feel fun—it’s that simple! They don’t even need to be true; they just need to be fun.
This is why avoiding opinions, arguments, complaints, and negativity leads to a calmer state of being. Vision boards can also help subliminally reprogram the unconscious mind, which is crucial, as the unconscious mind is a million times more powerful than the conscious mind, where most people naively believe they are in control. However, while the unconscious mind is phenomenally powerful, it operates like a computer and often runs outdated programs like “you are not funny” or “you’re not good enough.”
The good news is that you can bypass your logical, rational mind to reprogram your unconscious mind through the repetitive use of positive statements. Over time, your unconscious mind adopts new, empowering beliefs. The conscious mind often finds it odd to express self-love or state affirmations like “I am wonderful” or “I’m so lucky,” frequently contradicting these statements. However, the unconscious mind absorbs whatever it consistently hears.
The two minds operate independently, with the unconscious mind being the more influential one and easily influenced—this is why placebos can be effective. If you want to consciously reprogram your unconscious mind, the best way to do so is through visual and auditory repetition (similar to what commercials have been doing to us for years). You may find yourself thinking, “I would never do that,” and then, before you know it, you’ve unconsciously done it!
So, if you’re looking for a small project during this rare opportunity of having some extra time, why not create a vision board? It can be as simple as a piece of paper with drawings and photos, or you could even turn it into a video. Here’s mine from 18 months ago to inspire you!