John Glanvill • Anxiety Specialist & Researcher • Anxiety • OCD • Bipolar • ADHD • Energy • Online Treatment Course • Sensible Spirituality

It’s All About Energy

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About fifteen years ago, I awoke to the realisation that everything is all about energy, it can’t not be really! We are made of atoms (which are energy) and those atoms are connected to other atoms by some sort of (intelligent) energetic life force that holds them all together. The Sun (which is energy) supports us, and so it goes on…

Over the past decade, I have been exploring the nature of energy—what it is, how it works, how we can obtain it, and how we can use it wisely. It has been a fascinating research project because much of what I learned I was never taught in school ,though, has been life-changing for me.

People who struggle with depression, anxiety disorders, sadness, and OCD often share a commonality: they frequently feel tired and exhausted due to a lack of energy.

With this in mind, I have dedicated many years to investigating how energy impacts us, how we can access it, and how we can release any stuck energy, such as trapped emotions, from our bodies.

Researching energy can be challenging since it is invisible and difficult to measure without advanced scientific equipment.

However, it can be experienced. For instance, I have visited locations such as the archaeological site at Teotihuacan in Mexico, where I was knocked to the ground by a powerful field of energy in one of the temples there.

I had the incredible opportunity to meditate for two hours in a private session inside the King’s Chamber of the Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. The energy within the pyramid was palpable and invigorating.

I believe that energy is not only sourced from food but also from the Earth, the Sun, breathwork, exercise, and the Zero-point field that surrounds us every day—if we are open to learning how to access it.

(The zero-point field is a concept from quantum physics that refers to the lowest possible energy state of a quantum system, even in a vacuum. This means that even when all particles and fields are removed, there remains a baseline level of energy that permeates space. 

The idea is often associated with the broader concept of the quantum vacuum, which is not truly empty but instead filled with constant, tiny fluctuations of energy. These fluctuations can have observable effects, such as the Casimir effect, where two metal plates placed very close together experience a force due to changes in the quantum field.

The zero-point field is sometimes described as a universal energy field that connects everything.)

Additionally, we need to learn how to protect the energy we possess each day by minimising worry and stress or by developing the ability to worry and stress less.

It appears that nature offers us two types of energy: that which is life-enhancing and beneficial to us, and that which is life-depleting and harmful. This instinct might be how animals determine what to eat or who to approach. It seems they have an inherent sense that allows them to detect good or bad energy, guiding their decisions accordingly.

I’ve found that we have this sense too, though in anxious or depressed people that sense (gut feeling) is swamped out by their negative and exhausting emotions – which are life-depleting!

This is continued in Video 37 from my course – here…