John Glanvill • Anxiety Specialist & Researcher • Anxiety • OCD • Bipolar • ADHD • Energy • Online Treatment Course • Sensible Spirituality

About Me – John Glanvill

The Chronicles of Common Sense – This is my trustworthy, honest, and discerning database of knowledge, which I hope will help you (to help yourself) find more calmness, emotional stability, courage, motivation and direction. 

John Glanvill

John Glanvill

I would describe myself as a logical, scientific, sensible, empathetic and highly intuitive mentor and life coach with a wealth of experience working with undesired unconscious emotions and changing behaviours that are not taking you in the right direction. My human behaviour knowledge and the ability to calmly and succinctly help you to understand your problems (and yourself) in more detail, allows me to deliver the right psychological responses that lead you through to more emotional control, calmness and choice in your life.

For many years I have been working with people, from all walks of life, helping them find solutions to specific challenges in their personal and professional lives – Teaching them techniques that allow them to understand how the unconscious mind works more fully and to recognise where emotions come from and how to harness their power.

I specialise in treating anxiety and depression-based emotions and teaching people how to foster a new relationship with themselves that leads to more calmness and self-confidence. By helping people to lessen anxious feelings, begin to love themselves more and gain a clearer vision of who they are and what they want, other issues like weight loss and insomnia naturally start to correct themselves.

“I believe passionately that therapy should be a time for learning, as well as, a time for change.”

My strong background in Psychometrics (a field of study concerned with the theory and measurement of knowledge, abilities, attitudes and personality traits) has enabled me to add a valuable new dimension to their journey of change. By helping clients to recognise and explore who they are – their beliefs (what they think they can and can’t do) and showing them how to reconnect with the comfortable natural characteristics they were born with, that over time, have been squashed and squeezed by the events in their lives (parents, school, bullies, bad experiences, religion, work, children, relationships) these all change who we think we are – and often, that person we are domesticated into – just doesn’t feel right. I help you undo these and reconnect with the flavour you were born as – and this naturally feels good.

For decades I have studied how our mind works, where our emotions come from, how anxiety/depression develop, and importantly, how we can take control of the voices that seem to race around in our heads (internal dialogue) and how we can begin to understand what it is we actually want from life.

With this newfound self-awareness, it is far easier for my clients to respond effectively to the therapies I use, as they have a new frame of reference and the newfound knowledge of how to manage emotions and how to interpret those internal voices.

Before retraining as a therapist, I was an engineer and spent many years travelling, working in China, Japan, USA, Indonesia, the Philippines and all across Europe. Being exposed to these many cultures and religions certainly broadened my mind, behaviorally, emotionally and spiritually, as well as, honing my ability to focus on non-verbal communication (body language) and to go the extra step to understand people, to listen more, rather than make assumptions and rush to conclusions. The industry seems to agree that engineers seem to make great therapists as they look at problems from a different viewpoint and what to know in detail how everything works, including our minds.

My lifelong interest in the psyche of human interaction, understanding personality types, and the discernment of how emotions are formed has helped me to develop a therapeutic working style that is empathetic and compassionate; however, I will push you towards your agreed outcome. Where possible, I teach you many of these therapeutic interventions, and it is important to me that we keep the sessions as light-hearted as possible.

John Glanvill – Interview about my OCD

In this interview, I discuss my problems with anxiety, OCD and depression and how I reversed these conditions.

It seems to me that about 50% of people with OCD believe that their condition is entirely genetic and that there is nothing they can do about it. However, I don’t think that’s true. I believe OCD is more epigenetic, meaning that if you were influenced by your parents’ behaviours and environment, your genes may express themselves similarly to theirs. Regardless, there is much you can do if you keep an open mind and are willing to try new approaches. I am here to offer hope that amazing changes ar possible with the right help.

We are all multi-faceted

Here's a little bit of information about the various sides of me


My early training was as an engineer, so I see humans more in a systems way, and I am always looking for common sense ways to make those systems more effective.


Twenty years as a complex anxiety therapist and having recovered from anxiety and OCD - I know a lot about these subjects and how to teach others to change.


l love researching consciousness and the biological, psychological, cultural, chemical, and philosophical relationship we have with ourselves, God, Nature and the Universe...

Creatist Artist

I have a very creative mind, and my life is now my art; who I have/will become is my medium, and this planet is my canvas, I test things I learn to see if they are true for me - then document my discoveries in videos, animations, workbooks and guided meditations.

A Bit Weird

My personality is a little unique (INFJ). I am an introvert who can function as an extrovert. I love people, and I also love being alone. I have a brain that sees patterns and connects the dots that most people miss. I am really good at simply explaining complex problems.

Spiritual Outlook

I am not a religious person and spent most of my life as an atheist. However, in the last two decades, I have had many experiences that have shown me that there is something after death. I believe that nature and the universe have some form of energetic intelligence that we would be foolish to ignore and not align with as best we can.

Cultural Experience

I have been very blessed to have lived, visited and worked in many countries, including the US, Canada, Mexico, France, Germany, Japan, Indonesia, China, South Korea and the Middle East, so (though limited) I do have some cultural intelligence and awareness.


I am happily married to the love of my life, Jen. We work on our relationship every day by applying what we learn. We strive to be honest, aligned, playful, and fully supportive of each other. We're not perfect, but we're very happy.


In the first half of my life, I respected and deferred to authority, but now I see that I am responsible for my life and those in authority don't necessarily have my best well-being as their guiding principles!