John Glanvill • Anxiety Specialist & Researcher • Anxiety • OCD • Bipolar • ADHD • Energy • Online Treatment Course • Sensible Spirituality

The Many Types of OCD Explained Simply

OCD (Obsessive and Compulsive Disorder) sits upon anxiety, and this is often misunderstood. It also manifests in many ways that each experiencer believes are unique to them. However, if somebody can show you that all OCD has the same causation, just different (but definable) symptoms, you will begin to realise that the symptoms are not where you need to focus (as they just morph if you accept them) you must understand what is the cause of the OCD and rectify those conditions – I can teach you how to do this.

Goal of video

A detailed look into what OCD is (and isn’t). With the view that unless you can really understand what you are dealing with what chance do you really have to overcome it?

Key messages

Know that there is very little you can control in life except your attention, attitudes, perspectives and responses. Can e learn to be comfortable with vulnerability and discomfort?

People are not born with OCD; they develop it.

Category 1 – Normal anxiety escalated to new levels.

Category 2 – Physical compulsions

Category 3 – Cycles of thinking/doing (mental compulsions)

Category 4 – Intrusive thoughts

Stay at home -prisoner.

Self-employed controller.

The ‘get on with it anyway’ pragmatist.

The ‘high functioning pedantic.’

“How can I find more silence in my mind, recharge my biological battery, recondition the brain’s fear responses, recalibrate my central nervous system, become more optimistic, trust more and retrain my cells to be calmer?

Your OCD thoughts do not mean anything – they are just what your unconscious mind is using to trap you with.

We are looking to ignore thoughts/place our conscious awareness elsewhere rather than stop or try to understand the unrequested thoughts.

Are you gaining a secondary gain by having OCD? For example, does the state pay you money that you would lose if you started working? (Secondary gain is a huge topic).

Map Of Ocd

My top 100 list of types of OCD

This may seem a little jokey, but it is not; OCD can sneak up and grab you with almost any unconscious thought that might agitate or distress your conscious mind, and if you can see it here in writing, you can see it is just a trick of the (unconscious) OCD – because you consciously know you wouldn’t do it or that it it is ridiculous.

  1. Contamination OCD
  2. Checking OCD
  3. Symmetry and Order OCD
  4. Intrusive Thoughts OCD
  5. Hoarding OCD
  6. Harm OCD
  7. Relationship OCD
  8. Sexual Orientation OCD
  9. Religious or Scrupulosity OCD
  10. Counting OCD
  11. Pure Obsessional OCD (“Pure O”)
  12. Health Anxiety OCD
  13. Perfectionism OCD
  14. Existential OCD
  15. Responsibility OCD
  16. Magical Thinking OCD
  17. Somatic OCD (Body-Focused)
  18. Emotional Contamination OCD
  19. False Memory OCD
  20. Superstitious OCD
  21. Fear of Losing Control OCD
  22. Fear of Blasphemy OCD
  23. Moral Perfectionism OCD
  24. Environmental Harm OCD
  25. Cleaning OCD
  26. Fear of Accidental Harm OCD
  27. Touching or Tapping OCD
  28. Sympathetic Magic OCD
  29. Sensorimotor OCD
  30. Fear of Arousal or Attraction OCD
  31. Aggressive or Violent Thoughts OCD
  32. Fear of Disrespect OCD
  33. Compulsive Reassurance Seeking OCD
  34. Fear of Forgetting OCD
  35. Fear of Saying or Writing Something Offensive OCD
  36. Mental Checking OCD
  37. Time-Wasting OCD (Deliberation Over Decisions)
  38. Reverse Perfectionism OCD (Fear of Things Being Too Perfect)
  39. Fear of Unjustified Guilt OCD
  40. Fear of Unfinished Tasks OCD
  41. Fear of Letting Others Down OCD
  42. Fear of Making Mistakes OCD
  43. Symptom Checking OCD
  44. Hypersensitivity to Sound OCD
  45. Fear of Touching Certain Materials OCD
  46. Fear of Certain Colours OCD
  47. Odd/Even Numbers OCD
  48. Pattern OCD (Following Specific Visual Patterns)
  49. Breathing Awareness OCD
  50. Swallowing Awareness OCD
  51. Eye Blinking Awareness OCD
  52. Compulsive Praying OCD
  53. Fear of Inappropriate Sexual Thoughts OCD
  54. Fear of Misinterpreting Reality OCD
  55. Fear of Sleeping OCD
  56. Fear of Waking Up OCD
  57. Fear of Spreading Germs to Others OCD
  58. Fear of Becoming a Bad Person OCD
  59. Compulsive List-Making OCD
  60. Fear of Forgetting Daily Routines OCD
  61. Fear of Specific Words OCD
  62. Fear of Specific Names OCD
  63. Rewriting OCD (Fixing Words/Sentences to Feel “Right”)
  64. Avoidance of Certain Numbers OCD
  65. Fear of Overwhelming Emotions OCD
  66. Fear of Damaging Items OCD
  67. Fear of Losing Sentimental Items OCD
  68. Fear of Sympathising with “Bad” People OCD
  69. Fear of Dark Spaces OCD
  70. Fear of Bright Lights OCD
  71. Fear of Negative Omens OCD
  72. Compulsive Reading OCD (Re-reading for Clarity or Understanding)
  73. Fear of Breathing Contaminated Air OCD
  74. Compulsive Chewing OCD
  75. Avoidance of Certain Foods OCD
  76. Ritualistic Eating OCD
  77. Fear of Lying by Accident OCD
  78. Fear of Not Locking Doors OCD
  79. Fear of Not Turning Off Appliances OCD
  80. Fear of Touching Other People OCD
  81. Fear of Saying the Wrong Thing OCD
  82. Fear of Being Watched OCD
  83. Fear of Being Misunderstood OCD
  84. Fear of Ruining Relationships OCD
  85. Fear of Neglecting Loved Ones OCD
  86. Fear of Evil Spirits or Possession OCD
  87. Fear of Sexual Attraction to Unacceptable Individuals OCD
  88. Fear of Forgetting Important Details OCD
  89. Fear of Causing Accidents OCD
  90. Fear of Specific Animals OCD
  91. Fear of Leaving the House OCD
  92. Fear of Receiving Bad News OCD
  93. Compulsive Symmetry OCD (Making Items Look Aligned)
  94. Fear of Incomplete Tasks OCD
  95. Avoidance of Certain Phrases OCD
  96. Fear of Unjust Consequences OCD
  97. Fear of Losing Control of Speech OCD
  98. Fear of Losing Control of Movement OCD
  99. Fear of Sudden Outbursts OCD
  100. Fear of Becoming Someone Else OCD

None of these are real! It is just OCD, and the course will prove this to you! (If you take it and do the work!)