John Glanvill • Anxiety Specialist & Researcher • Anxiety • OCD • Bipolar • ADHD • Energy • Online Treatment Course • Sensible Spirituality

A powerful trauma release guided meditation

In this 37-minute video, I teach you how to find trapped trauma (or stuck energy) that may be hidden in your body by teaching you a meditation you can use to find and release those stuck emotions. This work is a very powerful process (if you do it!)

Goal of video

Following on from the last video, in which we explored the profound benefits of learning to meditate by making your inner world as important as the outer world and releasing stuck energy from repressed trauma.

In this video, I will be teaching you my meditation method for how to become comfortable with your emotions – and how to explore your unconscious mind for those hidden repressed memories.

I followed this process for twenty minutes a night for two years, and its effect on my mental health was profound and life-changing. 

During these meditations, I discovered things that truly surprised and shocked me; however, they finally filled in the missing parts under my ‘cover stories’ and allowed me to understand where my anxiety and depression had originated from.

This is one of the most effective ways to meditate and those who put the effort in will reap vast rewards.

Key messages

How can we release trapped trauma (stuck energy) from our body through potential energy escaping as kinetic energy via the agitation of our matter?

I explore how happy people tend to look at life and speak to themselves.

This course is not about the truth (or what is right or wrong) it is about exploring strategies you can use to find more calmness and direction in your life.

The goal is to not fear your horse’s thoughts or feelings – but to use it as a tool that allows you the rider (Observer/Soul) to be able to ride out and experience life.

The metaphor we use in this meditation is that you (consciousness) are looking for unexploded landmines within your unconscious mind and body – which are your trapped traumas, and we are looking to safely detonate them.

Recognise that we have two types of stuck energy – the ones we know are there because we remember a negative incident like being bullied etc. The second group are those which did happen but our unconscious mind (or ego) decided to hide from us (or change the story of what really happened).

The meditation calls on us to recall past experiences (or imagine future ones) with the goal of triggering an energy release – then, allowing that emotion to flow through you whist you detach from any story you have in your mind.