Goal of video
We will be exploring strategies (traps) that anxious people unknowingly adopt – that by making them visible can be managed and hopefully mitigated.
Also, I will be teaching how to recover unconscious memories and release traumas that may have been hidden from our conscious mind, by our unconscious trying to keep us safe.
To do this, I will be sharing stories from my recovery so that you can see the process I went through to discover the truth behind what I am teaching you.
Key messages
Finding and releasing trapped trauma is key to finding more emotional calmness and alleviating exhaustion.
How to stop exploring the symptoms of anxiety and OCD and move towards changing the causes.
Venting trapped energy should be encouraged rather than feared.
As you begin to recover and find more calmness the anxiety may suddenly come back – because your new found calmness allows sick trauma to free itself (which feels bad but is good!)
The four ways anxious people avoid emotions:
- Suppression
- Expression
- Distraction
- Unconscious repression
My ten day Vipassana silent meditation retreat and experiencing my ego changing from being external to internal.
Can you jump between the external objective world and the internal subjective world?
How trauma and stuck energy may be attached to the body in metaphoric associations – like, stuck energy in the throat of a person who can’t speak their truth or in the shoulders of a person who carries a weight of responsibility etc.
We have to go hunting for landmines (trapped traumas) and then calmly detonate them.