I have compiled a small collection of comments, thank-you letters, and testimonials from people over the past two decades as a complex anxiety therapist.
These comments are all true and have been edited only for punctuation and spelling, which is an aspect of my former OCD that I choose to keep 🙂
In this video, I share my journey of overcoming anxiety and OCD, highlighting the moments that led me to discover greater calmness and courage. I also delve into the effectiveness of Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) and explain how, when applied correctly, it can be a transformative tool for managing these challenges.
My man John G! I am keeping my Patreon permanently and planning on increasing it more over time.
Since my last message, I have been legitimately OCD-free… I never knew full remission was truly possible.
I went from sleepless nights crying myself to sleep from intrusive thoughts and mental compulsions to literal bliss. Sometimes I wonder if I am even the same person as that guy who used to be so stuck.
Plenty on the internet said medication-free OCD remission was “impossible” THEY WERE WRONG!
I’ve referred about 5-7 people to you, and they really like your content but are on a longer path than me for sure.
I had to say thanks again, without your resources I’m not sure I would have EVER gotten the info and teachings I needed to conquer OCD.
So thank you very, very much.
The road hasn’t been easy, and I still fall back into old habits at times. However, I now have the tools to recognise these moments quickly and take steps to realign myself. Most importantly, I’ve come to understand my own worth. I’ve learned to channel my once-chaotic energy into creativity, finding acceptance in the chaos rather than trying to control it. This shift has allowed me to transform what felt like a weakness into a strength that fuels my growth and expression.
This change has deepened my sense of purpose and clarity, shaping how I approach challenges, relationships, and opportunities.
John’s unique blend of therapeutic styles is what sets him apart and what really worked for me.
I have recently graduated with a 1st class honours in Physiotherapy and have been married to the woman of my dreams for 11 months. However, the person I was 12 months ago was unrecognisable. My lecturers believe I am one of the most intelligent and articulate students from my cohort. I usually find writing for purpose easy, however, on this occasion I am perplexed, as I honestly cannot find words powerful enough to describe the value that John’s intervention has brought to my life. I hope my story will do John just.
The day after celebrating my 30th birthday with my family and friends, I woke up with invasive thoughts that questioned every part of my personality. These intense and overwhelming ideas occupied my head and created brutal conflict with everything I knew and believed. On the rare occasion that I could sleep, I had vivid nightmares and woke having anxiety attacks. As despairing this was, it was nothing compared to being awake. I did not eat for three days, I cried continuously, stopped doing everything I enjoyed and found it distressing and exhaustive to get out of bed. I even thought I had fallen out of love with the woman I was going to marry in six weeks. Within two weeks of my breakdown I had seen two separate CBT therapist and commenced taking citalopram (SSRI antidepressant/anxiety medication), however, this had little no effect. I felt like I had been possessed as I had become a shadow of the fit, health, academic and confident young man who loved his life. Aware that anxiety and depression driven suicide are the leading cause death of my demographic, I knew I need help… fast.
My wife (girlfriend at the time) had met John briefly as a guest speaker on a weight management class she enrolled in and at the time she could not stop talking about him. Being a logical thinker who’s persuaded only by scientific evidence and not anecdotal success I was sceptical; nonetheless I was desperate. The following day I called John and had a very brief conversation on the phone in which he listened to my problem. He responded with a momentary pause and said ‘I can help you’. From this moment I was instantly captivated by John. I shall not detail Johns methods and knowledge as he does this perfectly though out his website. Also, I need not talk of his empathetic nature or his calming and welcoming aura as this can be heard by listening to any of his recordings. What I must highlight are these three very important things, which I feel the audience of this testimonial should read.
1) If you are reading this, then you probably need help. There is no shame in this; John can give you that help.
2) By the end of the first session John will know you better then you know yourself, and help you discover your true self. Which is liberating!
3) Any CBT therapist can listen to your thoughts. John can teach to become self-aware so that you can listen to, understand and then action those thoughts, whether that be responding to, ignoring or changing those thoughts (especially those which are negative and outdated). John can teach you to understand why you are having these thoughts and why you are responding the way you are. Most importantly, he will teach you how to change your physical and emotional response to these thoughts.
My wife and I agree that John has had a greater impact on my life than either her or my family. I personally do not think I can place any quantifiable measure on what John has taught me and am confident that if I am faced with anxiety or depression again, that I’ll be able to independently manage it.
“As a mother, seeing your 19-year-old daughter break down, unable to go to work or cope with life, is the worst feeling in the world. It turned out that she had been suffering with anxiety and OCD, on her own for 5 years – she hid it well. It was such a shock because yes, she is all those things John describes, intelligent, creative, thinks a lot etc. etc. Being totally out of my depth and knowing that there is a wait for NHS treatment I felt desperate and started trawling the internet; that’s when I found John.
I asked my daughter to look at his website and read the information about OCD; she said: “that’s me”. I immediately rang John to make an appointment to find out that he was going on holiday the next day. John could obviously hear my anxious voice and being the caring person that he is, agreed to speak to her the next day before he left for the airport. He spoke to her for about 30 minutes, reassuring her and sending information to read; an appointment was made for when John returned.
I attended the first 6 sessions with her, which meant I was able to help her when at home. John is excellent at explaining how the brain works, enabling you to understand what OCD is actually doing. He has a very calming voice, is caring and passionate about what he does. His recordings make you realise what is important and what life is really all about, but most importantly, it helped my daughter understand how to respond to the negative thoughts that she is mostly in control of now, and when she feels she is struggling a little, she listens to John’s recordings which get her back on track.
My daughter is now nearly 22 and has not seen John for a while. She has blossomed into a young lady, more confident about who she is, attending university and living away from home; something she couldn’t have contemplated before. I couldn’t believe it; this week, she has so far cleared out 3 large bin bags of accumulated artefacts from over the years and other stuff she couldn’t throw away!! I can’t thank you enough, John, for how you have helped her – we have a happier girl and it is a joy to watch her.”
“I can’t believe it has taken me this long to write a testimonial! But here we go!! I think one reason why it has taken so long because I find it hard to put into words the profound effect John has had on my life! I still think there are no words that could do it justice, but I’d like to get some words down so others can be helped as well. Before I met John I had spent years suffering with anxiety, thinking it was the normal way to feel and was almost beginning to accept it was how my life would be. It was when I met my girlfriend that I recognised that I really needed help, I was struggling with intimacy issues, the relationship was suffering, and because I loved her very much, I had to try and do something to solve it. I luckily found John on the internet whilst I was searching for an anxiety specialist, I’m not sure what pulled me to him, but one reason, I think was his testimonial board!
On my first visit I was quickly put at ease with his passion, enthusiasm and his reassurance that I wasn’t some sort of freak! I had several visits and during this time he gave me the tools and knowledge I needed to completely change my consciousness settings, and press that all important reset button on my life! I also was starting a new career training to be a personal coach, which was a massive trigger for my anxiety!
My new job entailed delivering classes and and speaking in front of large groups of people, which was my another of my fears! I am pleased to report that I am now doing really well in my job, I am enjoying taking classes with 30 plus people whilst feeling at ease – I still can’t believe I this is possible! I did split up with that girl, but after Johns guidance I found it easy to cope and move on. I literally feel my life has been completely turned around for the better and the new direction is now so positive.
They say everything happens for a reason and I am glad I had a reason to meet John.”I had a chronic issue with procrastination, which is the primary reason I sought the advice of John Glanvill. Within a matter of a few months, the issues of procrastination have dissipated almost entirely, and I have workable strategies to employ if and when such temptations arise. Through addressing the intricacies of this symptom, my world view has shifted and other parts of my life have been exposed and improved. I am happily continuing my journey with John to achieve the most out of every aspect of my life.”
Dear John, I hope you are well. This is a very long overdue email, and I apologise for not writing this a long time ago.
I want to sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing me from the depths of despair to where I am now.
I was in an awful, desperate state when I came to see you, and you helped me in a way I could never have imagined possible. Thanks to you I am a much happier and much improved version of my former self.
I am sorry that I could not continue to see you on a permanent basis (purely due to finances) because I know there is so much more you could teach me that is fascinating.
I will carry on supporting you on Patreon as your videos are incredibly helpful in maintaining my newfound calmness.
I find it really reassuring to know that if I were to ever relapse that I could come to see you again, and I have complete faith that you would get me back on track again.
Please don’t ever stop doing what you do.
I have told a lot of people how highly I recommend you and will continue to ….also I have tried many times to leave you a positive Google review, but for some annoying reason, it won’t allow me to.
A big congratulations to you and Jan also, and I wish you both many happy years together:)
All the best, and once again, a million thank yous.
I am more grateful to John than anyone I’ve ever met, I went from anxious and having OCD to someone who is calm and optimistic; there was no way I could have done it without this course! Thank you, John!
John, I have suffered from anxiety my whole life, and for the most part, I have been searching for answers to end my pain and suffering. Your course and its wisdom, common sense and amazing insights are compelling and authentic, and your delivery of ideas and concepts is exceptional. Your videos are the best advice I have ever been fortunate enough to stumble across. Thank you for producing this wonderful opportunity for people to learn, grow and heal from the clutches of Anxiety and OCD and know that there are answers to their prayers.
By the way, after completing 31 videos, I was able to recover from OCD. Right now, Thanks to you, Sir, I don’t have OCD. And I lost feeling of fear. I even skydived from 4000 meters. And I was face to face with Bear in Forest. And I didn’t feel anything that time but happiness. But, of course, I won’t put myself at risk anymore. I already lost fear and now I need to learn to be more consistent and hardworking. I became lazy after some time. After my university exams, in 1 month, I will begin to watch videos again. I have to be the best version of myself. I owe you so much, Sir. Your knowledge was everything to me. You are an amazing Person.
John… I’m just shocked that I spent all my life, very, very, very terrified of this thing. And whenever I tried to explain it to people or talk about it, they just don’t understand what I’m saying.. I already told you, my therapist literally freaked out, I had to calm her down… She’s a great person, don’t get me wrong. But I think that her methods don’t apply to me very well.
Anyway, I wonder if all the people following your Patreon course do understand this… I don’t even know if i understand it! Yesterday was really the first time in my life that I experienced this without panicking or thinking that this is bad… I’m very curious about it now..
Oh and I feel so free! Free from all that worry that I had in my mind… That concern that there is something horribly wrong with me, John… Man.. you have no idea how much my life is changing because of you, I will never forget this.
Hey John, I don’t expect a reply or even acknowledgement to this seemingly random email.
Over a year ago now I was in touch looking for details of a retreat you offer. Apologies that my contact went cold, I just had a lot on my mind and couldn’t afford it.
Anyway, since then I’ve found some inner peace. A part of this was being diagnosed and treated for ADHD.
But another HUGE part of this was your videos on YouTube and Patreon. I’ve since shouted your name multiple times in many different forums and settings. It goes something like…
“I’d recommend Patreon videos from a bloke called John Glanvill… he’s an OCD / complex anxiety specialist (forgive me if I’m getting your credentials wrong here, btw).. that man literally saved my life.”
Then it occurred to me that I’d never given you that feedback. So, I’m simply here to say thank you. You saved my life, or I should say you helped me save my own life. That’s it. I wish you all the very best. You’re amazing.
Hello John. I wanted to say a huge thank you for all the work you do. I am 27 years old, my OCD started 6 years ago and it developed into all types of anxiety, deep depression, suicide addictions, and years of lots of trial and error, ups and downs.
About three years ago I got to know you from your videos. And I went to a lot of psychiatrists and psychologists, and I never stopped being disappointed. Today, thanks to God and myself, I work hard on a daily basis to maintain my mental health, and you are a very strong anchor for my mental health, you are like my mentor even though we don’t know each other.
I am also connected to Narcotics Anonymous support groups. Today I work at a job where I love doing sports which I love. And there are difficulties, but thank God there is a way and there is a solution and you never stop shining my eyes anew, to another point of view and something else. And my mother finally has peace from me and everyone close to me. And as of today, I am in a better place after some very difficult years. I just wanted to say thank you and share a little with you. Big love from Israel.
Hey John been a while, man! Just wanted to give you a quick update since I felt compelled after watching about halfway through this video, so speaking of body mind and soul, I have become much more insanely aware lately, of things such as the battle between the mind and body, or rather the 8-year-old demon and OCD with my body, things such as, I feel my body giving me the signal saying do not worry about this, because my organs quickly give me a quick nudge or agitation type feeling, this has become my number one reminder to not even bother in case my subconscious tries to quickly scare me, I noticed it trying to creep up its strongest and fastest when I get excited or am doing something exciting or pleasurable, sometimes i feel like a little tug of war battle going on, but lately I have been able to drop it quickly, it’s almost like swimming against the river of the current. This is what i was doing for a while, going back, trying to remember, trying to see if I had to do this or day, say this or that, undo this or that, unthink that thought I just thought, and ULTIMATELY you realise what it all has in common, COMPLETE NONSENSE, WASTE OF TIME, SELF TORTURE for whatever reason our subconscious or 8 year old demon gives us just to go through another painful about, both physically and mentally!
And when I combine your teachings with self-kindness, calmness and practising to be still, I truly see a big difference now as to where I was just 3 years ago when I first stumbled across your video! So, in short, I just wanted to say thank you for all your help, research, and continued video-making! I love to always see where your next lesson goes! You are the best !
This June will be my two-year mark since I joined your Patreon site, whenever I can incorporate the knowledge gained from this course or bring up your websites into a conversation I do so, since it has had a profound life-changing effect on my world.
I’ve shared it with friends who suffer from the parasitic OCD demon to American soldiers who return from war & their subconscious animal is dealing with PTSD and are seeking ways to find more calmness. I’m learning quickly that we all have a story, some type of trauma, as my parents would say, respect everyone, for you never know what they carry in their heart.
I am grateful to you for capturing 20-plus years of knowledge on video, I’m not sure where I would be if I had not come across your Calmness In Mind Series. Cheers from America with respect to a Kind Warrior!
My experience of John’s Deep Dive Retreat I was lucky enough to attend John’s Deep Dive Retreat last week, and what can I say – mind-blowing (in the best possible way) and so very incredibly effective!
I booked the Retreat as soon as I saw it become available, as I recently found myself at the point of emotional exhaustion and in desperate need of positive action to kick-start my recovery. I have had face-to-face therapy with John before, so I knew how effective the in-person approach would be (although the materials John creates here are excellent!), and as such, I felt that it would be money very well spent for four days of one-on-one time.
I am happy to report that it was the case! As John mentions in the post, you stay with him and his wife Jen (who is absolutely lovely, and an amazing cook, too!) at their house, which is a beautiful and charismatic converted barn in a picturesque and secluded Devon valley. It is such a peaceful and calming location, with plenty of wildlife to top it off. I did wonder if staying in someone’s house would be awkward, but John and Jen were wonderful hosts and really made me feel at home.
The approach John took in the retreat was to tailor the tuition and sessions based on my knowledge and goals, but to give me the flexibility to structure use of the time in the way that I felt worked for me (I can certainly see how this would help someone with OCD make the most of the experience). All of the sessions and discussions were very free-flowing and flexible, and often driven by my questions.
We spent time every day away from John’s house in nearby towns, which was both refreshing and gave opportunities to observe and practice what we had been discussing. By the end of the retreat I felt like I finally understood myself, and had experienced so much of what John teaches in practice, especially in terms of energy work.
Now that I am home I have been putting everything I learnt into practice and it is having a huge impact on my life already, but I do inevitably feel like I have come down a bit, like the magic has worn off – I don’t mean that in a negative way at all; it’s inevitable considering I’d spent 4 solid days doing nothing but working with John and then return to everyday life where I can only dedicate 2-3 hours a day. John did prepare me for this (and the way that the 8 year old tries to sabotage you with it), so it was expected and not disappointing in the slightest. I feel like I’ve found my equilibrium now, so I have a baseline to build up from.
The main takeaway I would like to share is that, for me, the retreat was a taster of what my life can be like, what I can achieve, if I put the time and effort in to healing myself and growing my knowledge further. Now I’ve experienced what I am capable of I have something tangible to aim for, and to get back to that level of calm and contentment for me is the most powerful motivation I have experienced!
Thank you so much John and Jen, I’m really grateful for the time you spent with me, and it was a pleasure! xx
You’re a hero, John. I’m subscribed to your Patreon, and I hope you get 2000 subscribers soon!
Thank you very much, doctor… I know you are a therapist, but I would like to call you a doctor… I don’t know why….
Thank you for the work you are doing, and may your good karma pay off, and may God give you abundant blessings and good luck.
Hi John. I just wanted to update you on my trauma release experience. It seems to have unlocked my ability to feel my emotions, and now doing this meditation, I find myself tensing up shaking, sweating, sometimes crying, etc.
Today I tried something different. I sat down and started right a letter addressed to the guy at school who used to bully me, as I was writing this letter filled with my hate for him, I felt anger rising up and wanted to double down on it, so I went to his Facebook page which I’ve never done because I used to avoid my emotions and I had such a strong reaction. I began shaking, crying, sweating and then started to heave I heaved a few times and then threw up and continued to shake I couldn’t believe that I had been carrying around those emotions for that long. I thought I’d let it go. I continued to shake and felt weak. I waited it out and felt better. I then looked at his profile again and smiled and thought he looked like a nice person now!
I didn’t quite understand what you meant about feeling lighter, but I certainly feel like something has lifted now.
You are such an amazing human being. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!
You are an inspiring soul my friend! I feel very blessed to have come to watch you open your experience with us. To open your inner thoughts and feel vulnerable. For some reason this video made me very emotional too. Listening to you talk about your Godmother and how she was happy for the life she had brought me lots of memories of my grandparents. It is so nice to see sparks of people who want to better the world around us.
Thanks so much today and always. Each video is a safe port for those of us who are looking for more from life. Your words always give me comfort and remind me to be vulnerable.
I am from Bangladesh. In developing countries like us, access to mental health facilities is something next to impossible. There are counselors who claim themselves to be trained therapists, but barely any of them can actually help other than just generally prescribing medication, which doesn’t work for all always, to be honest. I have posted about you in several mental health groups and people are genuinely happy. Keep up the good work and I am thankful that I share the world with people like you.
Hi John, I absolutely love your videos. You’ve helped my life so much on my journey with overcoming anxiety. God has led me to you, and you have been working wonders. I want to share your program on Facebook is there a link Or something I can share?? Really want my friends and family to know. Thank you.
Hi John, I’m a 21-year-old artist and college student from the U.S. I’m reaching out to express my gratitude for the knowledge and wisdom you have shared online and continue to share.
I have struggled with anxiety and OCD since I was a child, and for several years it was debilitating. Conventional therapy was helpful to me, but it is expensive and, especially during a global pandemic, difficult to access.
Hey John it’s been weeks since God led me to your videos, and thanks to Him for working through people like you, I can now say I feel so much better about my OCD, I have cut out most of my compulsions, and I’m more comfortable with uncertainty and not controlling anything just living life, I want to thank you John for making the effort of creating these videos which have helped me so much to understand who I was and what I need to change in order to live better.
Repetition does make a difference, and faith is important, I once read that Faith is moving forward through uncertainty and that has helped as well, the stories in my head are losing the power they once had and have become just noise that I don’t need to listen to, life feels exciting again, and I’m able to see and appreciate the love and blessings around me, may God bless you always and thanks for being you John! Much love for you and your loved ones.
G’day from Australia John.
A personal message of gratitude, words fall short of describing the way I have connected with your material. The style and clarity are fantastic. You have brought together many things I have researched before but in a much more practical way. Your patrons will definitely continue to grow as so many people need this information. I thought I had done a lap of the mental health block and lost hope; your videos have given me the direction to apply myself fully again.
Thank you so much John, for the clear, calm and measured way you are explaining OCD to me and to all of us. I am having so many ‘penny drop’ moments. I have suffered with this for about 27 years, pushing, pushing and pushing my way through life to try to be ‘normal’ and to hide the side of me that I feel so much shame about. I am a combination of ‘self-employed controller’ and ‘get on with it anyway pragmatist’.
I never thought about the fact that my battery has been flat for most of my life – this whole angle of an inner 8-year-old wanting me to stay at home and recharge is a new idea, and I suddenly want to take care of her and listen. It’s quite normal for me to be working in 3 completely different jobs in any one day, feeling I can’t stay anywhere for too long, having planned how to get home / escape somewhere so I can pull myself back together at points in the day. It can be exhausting. I feel like I was the bright one that was supposed to achieve things, and while to many it looks like I’ve done a lot I don’t believe in myself as when I start to get somewhere I get frightened of where it’s headed (issues of control) and pull back and start something new. I’m frightened I will do something specific and humiliating in front of others in my work life. You make me understand how brave we are, and also I am beginning to understand self-sabotage. Almost no-one knows I live like this. It has been my secret because I feel shame. In my attempts to understand it before I have joined OCD charities and forums and just been frightened at people sharing stories of their symptoms.
I am very visual and empathic, so I have seen and felt other people’s vividly described suffering as though it is happening to me and been afraid of picking up more symptoms and rituals. I read the comments from others here, and there are some beautiful, intelligent people in your Patreon group. It feels calm and safe. I’ve made the commitment to myself that I’m not going to live the same way any more. OCD has been the hardest thing in my life and I cannot express how grateful I am that I resonate with what you are saying and trust and believe in your approach. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
It is incredible to have had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder for nearly sixteen years and to have had it described in this pithy, evidence-based and ‘real’ manner. It is truly empowering, if only a time machine existed and I could tell my eight year old self that I need not continually beat myself up for having thoughts and feelings so entirely beyond my control and so normal. I have never found a resource with such a breadth and depth of knowledge – I have identified with and been affirmed by the specificity of your explanations/examples. I thank you deeply for your contribution to the field of mental health and recovery.
John, It means a lot, a very lot. You are such a gem. God in the form of a Human. Please save a day for me in your life; I will definitely come and meet you in person. I have OCD, Anxiety, Depression, whatever the symptoms you mentioned, I have all those. But after watching your videos, I promise you, I am going to put in my effort, and I am going to recover, and I am going to MEET you one day!
Incredible! I must read a dozen books about anxiety, spirituality, meditation, Etc. I’ve never had somebody piece everything together so well. The uses of talking, showing props, repeating, simplifying and showing the text on the screen is the perfect formula to learn! You’ve already made an impact in my life and it couldn’t have come at a better time. I will become a patron and look forward to watching everything you have to offer! Thank you!!
Now then, John.. I’ve signed up today on Patreon, and I must say you are an amazing individual.
Anyone reading this, and if you need help like me, sign up..
I’ve done everything else, including that Linden Program, and nothing has hit the spot! Or made sense like this.. I’m a fifteen-stone man who’s trained all my life boxing/weights. I might look strong, but I’m dying on the inside.. This information and insight are a massive relief. Thank you, John!
I am a body-oriented psychotherapist and needed support with my 7-year-old grandson, who was diagnosed with autism-related problems and OCD symptoms.
My son and daughter-in-law wanted me to guide them and I felt I needed a supervisor, I choose John because via his website. I felt really secure and as we progressed, he was very professional and it allowed me to express myself clearly and feel understood. A very good basis to start!
So we have worked for half a year to a year and it is amazing what has happened in that period.
John had a lot of valuable suggestions for my grandson, for the support of the family, for my role. Playful solutions sometimes, wise interventions, good information that put me at ease and in this way we made step after step towards a lot of healing of many dimensions in the situation. My son’s family is still using the finger dolls, fyi!
So I would absolutely suggest John as a supervisor and as a specialised coach to anyone! Thank you, John, for your support and wisdom. I know where to find you if I need you in my life again!!
After suffering Anxiety and Panic attacks for 20 years and trying many different therapies which didn’t help, I experienced a major incident that put my life at risk and simply couldn’t happen again. John’s advert in the local free magazine literally popped up and said “Try Me” to my wife’s boss!
I called John and with very little info given to him, he explained my feelings, lifestyle everything – I was amazed that finally someone understood my brain!
I rocked up to the first session with my wife in tow so that she could also grasp an in-depth understanding of my situation.
From that day on the strategies and techniques John teaches kicked in and my whole life started to turn around. I would struggle to go shopping outside of my town, now not a problem. I have never travelled for work – now conquered, even to the point of going abroad with business for an overnight stay. The people that know me simply cannot believe the transformation in me.
I cannot thank or recommend Johns services enough #Legend!
I don’t actually think I say thank you enough for the changes you have facilitated in me. Genuinely, you have shifted many things within me. You are incredibly skilled at what you do, with a passion and an intellect that is both engaging and stimulating. I’m now grateful for so many things around me, I have so much gratitude to you for opening my eyes, to opening my mind and accepting change.
I have had chronic anxiety and panic attacks to varying degrees for twenty-one years. I have seen several psychologists a hypnotherapist tried CBT, read many self-help books, paid for an online anxiety self-help course and tried something else which was a bit wacky, and I can’t even remember what is was called, but hey when I felt like I did anything was worth a shot, however, nothing resolved my anxiety it just gave me temporary relief.
Eight months ago I went into a decline, a really difficult time, my anxious thoughts and feelings became crippling to the point I became depressed. I could not go on, life became a tremendous struggle, I went through the motions just trying to keep going. I was signed off work and hit rock bottom. A close family member, who had also had severe anxiety, encouraged me to see if John could help me as he had helped him so much in the past.
Over four months I have seen John six times, the help he has given me has not only eradicated my anxiety and depression but changed my whole outlook and perception on life, I feel so very very different it is absolutely incredible. I have returned to work and feel happy and calm, I am doing things that before were making me so fearful and panicked that I avoided them. I am loving life after all this time in a few short months of therapy from John.
My family and friends have noticed the change in me (most of them didn’t know I had anything wrong, I hid it well) I stand taller, my smile reaches my eyes, I don’t mind what other people think about me, my inner conflicts have disappeared, the constant brain chatter about my anxious feelings have stopped. I can’t thank John enough for what he has achieved with me, words are not enough.
I have no idea why I made that first phone call to John. I generally felt “already sorted” thank you very much. Curiosity took me to meet him for an initial chat. I vaguely thought I needed help with inner confidence but it wasn’t exactly a life-threatening condition. As a mother, I don’t have much time and working as a lawyer, I am cynical. So I didn’t think much would come of our initial meeting. How wrong I was.
That first meeting with John left me utterly captivated. I realised that there was a lot missing from my life. John is logical and super smart. He is highly experienced and understood I wanted practical help.
John immediately gave me lots of tools – some of which I didn’t even realise I needed. In my profession I am trained to see the different sides of all arguments. It is ironic then, that I couldn’t see beyond my own way of thinking until I worked with John.
From just a few sessions with John, my feelings towards my relationships with my family and friends have completely changed. The impact on my career has been substantial. The outcome is a significant change in the relationship I have with myself – which is something I cannot put a price on.
Thank you John!!!
David Hawkins once said that the best therapists had the following attributes; they calibrated over 400 and they had experienced the issues of that they where giving advice on. In my years searching for the answer to anxiety, John gave it to me in 4 sessions, in less than 8 hours. He ticked the above 2 boxes that I know were missing from all the standard therapists I had seen. I can’t recommend John highly enough – listen to his message – put in the effort – see life-changing results.
Hi John, I’m sorry I’ve not been in touch, I have been so busy sorting my life out! 🙂 I just wanted to thank you so much for the sessions we had. You have changed my life and I am so grateful. I am off to University in a few weeks to do my MSc in Public Health, I decided against medicine in the end as I liked this course better. I am feeling so much better and feel like I can cope with almost anything and it’s all down to you.
I contacted John towards the end of 2014 when, due to work pressures, I was in a pretty bad state and severely depressed. I had just been signed off from work and to be honest I was in utter despair. I could not see even a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Unlike other help I had received, John cut straight to the issues and began to tackle these immediately. I felt much better right from the very first sessions and I continued to improve slowly as the weeks went by. I learnt a huge amount about myself through reading, exercises and the therapy sessions. The key learning for me was not to live in the past and to look forward to the future without fear. It took a lot of time and hard work, but I am now a much changed and much happier individual, probably happier than I have been in decades. I would urge anyone with similar problems to seek the appropriate help, as I have found out there is a happier future just around the corner.
I went to see John when I had moved to a new area (having started a new job) and felt alone and distanced from friends and family. I was also suffering with work stress and it had crept into my personal life so much that all I cared about was my career. Until I reached out and started sessions with John, I didn’t realise the extent of the rut that I had allowed myself to get into. John helped me to see for myself what was troubling me and through that he helped me realign my thoughts and perspective on almost every aspect of my life. He provided calmness and logic at a time when I felt stuck and unlike myself and I still use his methods and listen to his recordings to keep myself on track today. I cannot speak highly enough of his work and his ability to understand.
I can’t believe it has taken me this long to write a testimonial! But here we go!! I think one reason why it has taken so long because I find it hard to put into words the profound effect John has had on my life! I still think there are no words that could do it justice, but I’d like to get some words down so others can be helped as well. Before I met John I had spent years suffering with anxiety, thinking it was the normal way to feel and was almost beginning to accept it was how my life would be. It was when I met my girlfriend that I recognised that I really needed help, I was struggling with intimacy issues, the relationship was suffering, and because I loved her very much, I had to try and do something to solve it. I luckily found John on the internet whilst I was searching for an anxiety specialist, I’m not sure what pulled me to him, but one reason, I think was his testimonial board!
On my first visit I was quickly put at ease with his passion, enthusiasm and his reassurance that I wasn’t some sort of freak! I had several visits and during this time he gave me the tools and knowledge I needed to completely change my consciousness settings, and press that all important reset button on my life! I also was starting a new career training to be a personal coach, which was a massive trigger for my anxiety!
My new job entailed delivering classes and and speaking in front of large groups of people, which was my another of my fears! I am pleased to report that I am now doing really well in my job, I am enjoying taking classes with 30 plus people whilst feeling at ease – I still can’t believe I this is possible! I did split up with that girl, but after Johns guidance I found it easy to cope and move on. I literally feel my life has been completely turned around for the better and the new direction is now so positive.
They say everything happens for a reason and I am glad I had a reason to meet John.”I had a chronic issue with procrastination, which is the primary reason I sought the advice of John Glanvill. Within a matter of a few months, the issues of procrastination have dissipated almost entirely, and I have workable strategies to employ if and when such temptations arise. Through addressing the intricacies of this symptom, my world view has shifted and other parts of my life have been exposed and improved. I am happily continuing my journey with John to achieve the most out of every aspect of my life.
It has been nearly two years since I finished seeing you and I now truly realise that what you taught me “I am not my thoughts” has changed my life! And you so subtly demonstrated that there are many other ways to live your life. It’s brilliant what you do and it certainly unlocks something within that is very powerful. I have processed so much fear, guilt and despair using your techniques and patiently surrendered that negative energy and I feel great. Thank you so much!
Two years ago, through illness, I lost my husband he was also my best friend and soul mate for 49 years. Once I got over the immediate shock and heartbreak, I kept busy organising the house, decorating and spending time with family and friends. Then suddenly, I became anxious, couldn’t concentrate, I lost my confidence, I had negative thoughts that raced around my mind, which led to panic attacks when I was out on my own. After a few weeks of trying to cope on my own, I realised that I needed help, as I did not want to burden my family.
I remembered reading about John, so I called him and arranged a meeting. Then, with his guidance, deep understanding, knowledge and quiet, relaxed manner, he taught and helped me to think like the “old me” again and regain my confidence and self-worth. Now, just after a handful of sessions, I have the confidence to fly on my own and take a short holiday – something I could never have done earlier this year. John has helped me to find a whole new outlook on life and completely new ways of thinking and acting. Thank you, John.
I really enjoyed Monday’s session. And I had a great day yesterday – I managed to think about very little all morning (just did my work), and noticed that my body was much stiller than it usually is – not all jittery like my mind!
Calm mind, calm body. And as a result I felt pretty alive yesterday evening… felt good! To use an analogy – at home, I have one of those battery powered hoovers which also has a boost button for extra power. Naturally, the battery runs flat far quicker if you use the boost button a lot. I feel a bit like I’ve just discovered that I’ve got a boost button and that it’s been jammed on constantly!
Attending sessions with and listening to recordings of John Glanvill has literally changed my life!
This may sound a little dramatic, but let me explain. I have had varying degrees of problems with OCD, anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember – I remember struggling with routines and terrible fear even at Primary School.
However, now at 35, the last 7 years have been extremely difficult – the symptoms amplified after what some might term a ‘breakdown’ in 2005 when a previous relationship collapsed and I was made redundant. However, these were just triggers that brought out what was already lying underneath all along, and despite finding new love with my Fiancée, I had remained largely housebound and unable to work since 2005.
That’s the sad stuff out of the way, basically I was a wreck when I found John 6 months ago. Through a lot of hard work I have turned my life around with the many tools John has given me. You must be ready for help and put in as much effort as John puts in, plus plenty more, yourself. I am no longer coping but embracing life. The 2 most valuable things I have taken from John’s work is the complete change in perspective on life and living he offers you to consider and the simple fact that the adrenaline associated with fear, anxiety, OCD and depression CAN’T LAST FOREVER, it will burn out.
The realisation that if you fight fear, it WILL ease in the end and not consume you is so liberating. I am now living my dream and setting up my own business (something I would never have thought was within me before seeing John). Life is good. If I can turn my life around with John and determination, so can you!
Thank you, John.
For a number of years, almost as far back as I could remember, I had felt a lack of motivation. I went through life flicking from one thing to another, one issue or crisis in my personal or work life to the next. I had the wish to start learning something new, only to do it for a few weeks and then give up. I found commitment in relationships challenging and found it very difficult to truly open up to those close to me. It is true what they say about hindsight as it is indeed a wonderful thing!
Knowing what I know now about myself, I look back and actually find it amusing as to how I used to be. I first started seeing John as I felt I had had enough of this lack of motivation or direction. Also around the same time I had started seeing a girl who I felt I could truly have something special with, yet had no clue how to do things differently… As I said at the time, ‘If I do what I always have done, I will get what I have always got. And with her, I did not want that. I wanted more!’ When I went to John, I almost expected him to hypnotise me, say a few fancy or profound words and then I would be fixed! I quickly realised that this was not the case…
What John did was to teach me the skills and knowledge to get me to see things differently and in turn, allow myself to react to them differently or in the way that I would like.
It is now 8 months down the line, I am happier in myself, I have drive and direction of not only what I want but also how I would like to get there. I am also engaged to be married and in the initial stages of settling down with the view of starting a family…
I think that those people who would expect John to ‘fix them’ would be hitting this from the wrong angle. All the changes I have made have been my own doing, within my own time. What John has done, however, is to provide me with the skills and knowledge to lead my own path and then supported me along the way. Everyone is different, and John tailors his work to the individual in the way that will serve them best. This is why I call him my Yoda!
I cannot thank John enough for the help and support he has provided me over the past year. I was stuck; miserable and unfulfilled and didn’t understand why. For years I’d tried numerous self-help books and approaches but with limited success as I still found so many things an uphill struggle. John’s approach to emotional intelligence and self-awareness were like a lightbulb moment for me. Things started to make sense.
I still had to work at it, and I still am, but now I feel I have a better skill-set to deal with the challenges in my life and things in myself that I want to work on. Recently I went through a difficult break-up and where I thought I’d forgotten all the learnings from John’s self-awareness course, I found it all came flooding back. It was still painful and I definitely had a few slip-ups – but my recovery was all of about a month. Nothing in comparison to the many difficult months I went through after a previous painful break-up. Thanks to my new skill set I was able to observe my thinking patterns and habits and address them – I wasn’t just ‘living by reaction’ as John puts it.
Personally, I find it hard to understand all the stigma around seeing a therapist/life-coach/change worker (whatever you want to call it): if you want to learn an instrument or a new sport, sure, you can go it alone in the ‘self-taught’ fashion, but (bar a few prodigies) people excel when they have a facilitator – a professional who already has the skills and who can observe you and show you how it’s done. Why should we treat personal development any differently? I can honestly say I am a better person for the work I’ve done with John.
I would like to say thank you for all the help you gave me, as when I saw you I was in a really dark place. You really helped me to see I wasn’t completely worthless and that I could make a life for myself and be happy within myself. I have made some new friends, found a job and am getting out of the house which is leaps and bounds from when I came to see you. I also have a plan for the future. I still struggle from time to time with anxiety, and I know depression is always going to be around in my life. However, I am really positive that I can manage it and look to the future. Most importantly, I can see that I have a future, and it might be really happy!
Thank you again for all your help, you played a major part in giving me my life back.
I rang John because I’d spent years fighting (both mentally & physically!!) I had reached a point where I was losing my friend’s sympathy for my unpredictable behaviour. I’ve always had drinking, substance, weight and money issues. We began to talk about what anxiety is and how it affects your well-being. After a few sessions, I started to understand why I was feeling up and down and learnt techniques to manage it. I would highly recommend John because he explains how to take steps to change your life which are practical and achievable.
We also had a laugh doing this, which helped!. I’m currently controlling the drink, have stopped the drugs, lost a lot of weight and curbed the money binges -so things can change if you learn to stick to a plan.
Thank you, John, for helping me to start the road to overcoming my anxiety and changing the way I live. The changes we made in just a few short months were more than I could have hoped for. I now believe I have the tools, understanding and outlook on life that will serve me well for the future.
Thanks again, John. Massively. Without sounding too dramatic, you literally are a lifesaver.
I first stumbled across John’s website after googling my symptoms and the circles of anxiety it was running me in. The very first phone call was one of the toughest parts to my recovery as I was admitting to myself that I wanted help and putting my up-most trust in another person. From speaking to John, I could tell that he really cared personally from the questions he asked and how he would listen with great attentiveness to my stories and responses. We arranged a first session and from that point forward I could see a light at the end of the tunnel, an escape that I had not even envisaged possible. Now I look back at this from a completely different and understanding view.
I feel that I am in a greater position personally that others who might not have had a condition as I have some invaluable tools that I carry with me throughout my life now. John has found his vocation and is a master at helping others with the issues they might be experiencing in their life.
He has been through the same so has a deep understanding and one that has come from great experience and not just from books. He is deeply respected in his field and a valuable, trustworthy friend. If you are unsure of the first step then I would urge you to just speak to John. You have all the tools you need, John will help remind you and steer you back so you can achieve this yourself.
I would really like to share a fantastic breakthrough today which came about by applying what you said about virtual reality and the characters we listen to. I have finally been able to let go of my grief and anger over my mum dying and it feels wonderful. I still feel sad that I can’t share things with her but a whole load of guilt and frustration has gone. I looked truthfully at what I was feeling and finally understood what I was doing. My mum was my yardstick – or rather my virtual reality view of my mum was. When I Iooked at it properly I realised that this person never existed – could not have existed because ‘she’ was just too good, too perfect. So my judge has been measuring against an impossible yardstick and, because mum is no longer around her image was constantly inflating even more. Thus my judge was telling my victim that I was falling even further behind and my victim was feeling even more like an awful failure – especially with weight issues as mum fought against her weight all her life and managed to control it. Actually she didn’t but my judge decided that she did and told my victim I was falling far short.
Now I’ve recognised that I still feel sad that she’s gone but the weight of guilt at never measuring up has gone and I’m remembering when she said she felt in awe of stuff I’d done, especially how I’d built such close relationships with my children when she felt she could have done so much better with me when I was small. She had a judge and a victim too. She was as human as me, not the superhuman being I’d created. It feels magical. Thank you for showing me the tools and knowledge to work it out.
I first came to see John because my relationship at the time had shattered in a similar way to all my other relationships in the past. I felt extremely hopeless at first and knew I needed to put a stop to whatever part I played in my relationships falling apart. John had been recommended to me and the work he does was exactly what I needed. I’m sure I’m not alone in that having problems with relationships affected and overlapped with all areas of my life; work, ambition, creativity, independence and especially health since I have a long term condition. I think having been to other therapists in the past, I had been going through life applying all the knowledge I had on how to keep happy, but kept falling back every time there was a huge period of drama in my life.
My first session with John changed all of that. It was a very immediate eye-opener and the world hasn’t looked the same since. I’ve learnt quite a lot about taking control of things in my life that I thought I was completely powerless to. I feel a million times more confident in all my relationships and in my abilities and most of all I live most days in a much calmer state; things don’t worry me so much now, which just feels extremely liberating! I feel I’ve come a massive way since I started this journey, and I’m really interested in what John teaches, so will hopefully see him a few more times purely to learn more. What he does is too unique to be classified under the umbrella of “therapy”, I consider myself very fortunate for the experience I have had working with him.
I was initially very nervous about my first appointment with John. However, I was put at ease very quickly and felt very comfortable discussing my concerns. The work that I have done with John has really changed my life and enabled me to be the person I want to be. To anyone who has any hesitation about booking an appointment, just give it a go, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
I was in such a state when I called John for the very first time. I didn’t know what I was really looking for, but I knew I needed to help. My confidence was in tatters, and I couldn’t make a decision about anything…. including what therapist to go to.
His patient, calm and understanding manner made it very clear at the outset that he was the right person for me, and I am so pleased that I decided to see John. He has helped me enormously. I was in a major rut and finding it hard to cope with various circumstances in my life which had become overwhelming – he has enlightened my understanding of my own psyche and given me the tools to move forward successfully and get back to the person I had somehow lost …. with a few enhancements along the way!!
These skills and mindsets are something that I will always cherish and be ever grateful for, and thankful that John was there. I would recommend him (and have numerous times already) to anyone needing to reset a few buttons in life which may have been underlying for a long time or become hard to cope with recently. You will not regret it one bit.
I have been wanting to update you on my progress since our last sessions back in the summer. Well, I’m happy to say my life has changed in so many ways you can’t even begin to imagine. My relationship is now argument-free, and we are very happy together, I have been promoted at work, reconnected with friends from my past, I am selling products on my new website, and I have rekindled my creativity. I just want to thank you so very much; it was the best thing I ever did to come and see you and finally deal with the issues that were holding me back.
When I first visited John I was full of anxiety and having awful panic attacks. Four months later, I am now feeling much calmer, have an air of happiness about me and am excited about my future – I believe my life will now be a richer experience. Thanks, John, my Guru!
I promised John that I would not gush when I offered to write a testimonial, so I’m going to keep it factual. In my first session with John, my life changed forever – he re-booted my way of thinking completely. From drinking half a bottle of whisky a night, climbing the walls with stress and racing headlong through every day/week/month.
Within a week, I had stopped drinking almost completely (only ten glasses of whisky in the last 5 months), and I have learned outstanding strategies that help me cope with the ongoing difficult issues I am still facing; I call these my “John toolbox” for example; address issues with ‘Fascination, not Desperation’ etc. I live in the Present now (Being not Doing), and I have dropped two stone in weight.
John is a gentle and clever man, a guide through any problem, and he always says the right thing just when you need it.
As a rugby-playing thirty-something man, it is hard to admit that maybe you are struggling with some aspects of life and need help, I’m glad that I found John on a random internet search as he has totally changed my outlook on life and certainly changed my future. John has helped me deal with my self-image and understand who I am, as well as boosting my confidence and reducing anxiety after some really bad years of my life. John does not cure anyone. He gives you the tools to empower yourself and unlock previously locked doors in your mind.
John is a man I admire as he has found his true vocation in life, and that vocation means he can help others to be happy again. You may be missing a life changing opportunity if you read this and pass by without stopping to take a look at what you can achieve with a little help from John.
I have been wanting to write to thank you for how your sessions have transformed my life, but I haven’t been able to put it into words. But I can tell you how I have moved forward from the place I was a year ago, hating myself and not seeing the point in life.
I have now moved into my own flat, and I am doing well at my job. I have even taken a flight to Malta to give a training course to a group of 35 therapists, something I never dreamed I would be able to do. I never realised how much anxiety had been ruling my life. You are truly talented at what you do.
I first went along to see John for the first time back in August. I can not describe in words just how far I have come and I am a completely different person. I never thought I could feel this positive and happy. John taught me in just four sessions that it is possible to become the person you have always wanted to be but never dared hope to become.
I have suffered for about 8 years on and off with anxiety and weight issues. In all those years, I probably tried every single type of treatment known to man without success. In one session with John, I was coaxed into realising that the key to recovery was within me, and it was as soon as I realised that there was no one simple ‘fix’, but instead, there were tools and techniques that I could use to heal myself, I knew I was on the way to recovery!
I used to fear anxiety with the same intensity that you fear your worst nightmare, but John gently assured me that the key is to embrace and accept. The best advice I’ve ever been given is from John who said, “You can’t train a dog, while it’s not in the room!” I still have moments or days when I still feel anxious but I know that I am on a journey with many ups and downs, and on the downs I remember the things John taught me. I still have a way to go and am realistic in excepting that there will still be struggles but I am ready to be the boss and train my anxiety monster!! And what’s more, John gave me the much needed incentive I needed in asking me to do a slimming blog to lose weight! I joined a slimming group and up to now I have lost 1 stone!
Making contact with John was the best thing I ever did, and I will continue to see John for maintenance sessions as I continue to grow and embrace all that life throws at me! A huge thank you John, for helping me to achieve my two main goals in life, A to be happy and B to banish my bingo wings!!!!
Thank you for all your help getting me through the tough and challenging time before my operation. Since then, I can’t believe how different life looks thanks to you and your way of teaching. Thank you so much.
A few weeks ago I didn’t want to look to the future, I preferred to dwell on my past, and I was feeling pretty hopeless. But with John’s help, I actually feel quite excited about my future and have a sense of calm, happiness and confidence in my life that I have never experienced before. I am ready to face my phobias and say goodbye to my anxieties, and I am so very grateful to John for the help and guidance he has given me to help me through this.
I really wasn’t expecting working with John to be so life-changing, but it was. I feel like a different person, he so cleverly uncovered how my emotions were being formed and showed me how disruptive they were being. I loved listening to all the recordings too, there are so many different ways of looking at the world that I was completely unaware of. If you are looking to change your life, I would 100% recommend John. Thank you so very much.
Many thanks for your tremendous help over the past few weeks. The sessions I attended with you, were invaluable to me. You made me look at my life and life in general in a whole new light. I now value the important things in my life and have pretty much alleviated all negative thoughts. I can now see where I was going wrong and by making small adjustments, I feel so much better in myself and about myself.
Thank you for helping me to understand how the subconscious works. That’s the piece of the jigsaw puzzle I was always missing before, so instead of working with it, I was in a perpetual battle with myself. The tools and techniques you have shown me have allowed me to take charge of my own healing and get myself back on track. Your helping hand through the therapy has been one of self-empowerment. I still have no idea where I’m headed, but I wake up each morning with curiosity about the day ahead rather than trepidation.
I’ve always been a bit anxious throughout my later years and it got to the stage where I had to do something to help me regain control in certain areas of my life. I remember the first time I spoke with John; it was like someone had fully opened my verbal taps. I just blurted a load of stuff out, and John patiently listened.
Bearing in mind, this is unlike me as I used to be one of those people who bottled my emotions up, especially during my childhood. Even after that first phone call (which incidentally was only to arrange my first appointment) I felt so much better and knew John was the right person to help me out.
If you are struggling with anxiety, OCD or you just need some guidance on how to get your life back on an even keel then John is your man. It’s not all about hypnosis; it’s about what’s right in front of your nose, and John helps you recognise this. On top of everything else, John genuinely cares and as far as I’m concerned, that makes him one of life’s good guys.
Hi John, I can’t thank you enough for your work, your generosity, your compassion, and your true understanding of the anxiety disorders which have consumed my life. I have never believed in hypnosis, I thought it was a hoax. However, after listening to the free downloads, you have so generously offered to help those who are struggling financially, I am truly amazed! I felt hope the first time I listened. What’s so unbelievable to me is that after listening only 3 times to the free motivation download, the mere sound of your voice immediately puts me into a relaxed state. This is a true miracle for someone who has difficulty relaxing even when given the chance. Thank you so much!
After six long dark months suffering from chronic anxiety and emetophobia, and following two failed attempts at finding the right therapist, I luckily found John, and all I can say is; he was my lifesaver and the light at the end of my tunnel. John is a true inspiration and made me feel that the things I thought were not possible were. John made me understand the reasons why I ended up in such a dark place and what I needed to do to free myself from my fears and phobias.
It has been a long journey, but I am finally at a place where I can say I am a stronger person. John has taught me that it is only yourself that makes you feel the feelings you feel, and that it is all to do with changing your way of thinking and welcoming anxiety as your friend. I am still continuing my journey towards full health and I know this will take time. John has given me the tools and knowledge that I need to reach my destination. I am truly grateful for meeting such a kind, gifted person. Thank you, John, for helping me change my life.
John is one of those truly rare people in this world; someone who really listens and believes so passionately in what he does. I came to John in a very deep, dark place and, through his inspirational therapy methods and “teachings”, he helped me to see depression in a totally different light and separate it from myself. He helped me to realise that there is so much more to me than whom I think I am! I am forever grateful for all the time I spent with John… Thank you!
After all these years of thinking nothing could be done, you then showed me how to reduce and manage my obsessive thoughts in just four weeks!
I truly can’t thank you enough. It has been funny, sad, frustrating and wonderfully educational. The MP3 recordings and all of your stories have really helped me to see myself in a new light and have, somehow, given me more calmness and choice in what I do and say.
John, thank you so much for giving me my mind and my life back!
My first appointment with John was made after seeing my good friend totally transformed by his ‘magic’. My problems with excessive weight and difficulties with binge eating were making me desperately unhappy; funnily enough, we barely touched on this in our sessions.
I had some deep-set underlying issues from my childhood that governed how I saw myself. John showed me that my unconscious self (perceptions of me and my coping mechanisms) was outdated and unreliable, based on strategies I had put in place as a three-year-old. As an adult, I ‘coped’ with stressful situations by putting a protective blanket around myself to protect the vulnerable little girl inside.
Unfortunately, this blanket consisted of layers of fat and entering the ‘white noise’ of binge eating when faced with seemingly insurmountable problems. John used a variety of techniques, all adjusted to my particular issues, this cocktail of treatments felt tailor-made, and as I progressed through our sessions, after each one, I felt elated.
It has been many months since I last saw John and I am still losing weight and feel great. My old demons are no more. I love my life, and I love me. Thank you, John, for all that you have helped me achieve, the freedom I feel and enjoy every day.
John, You have been the light in my darkest times, you have made me realise that things aren’t always what they seem and that you are responsible for your own happiness in life.
The one thing that I feared when I came to you was that I was going to lose my relationship – I did, and do you know what, it may have only been a few weeks ago, but my goodness I feel strong, liberated and ready for the new path that leads me to my new beginning. No more tears or heartache – I will survive and be a better and stronger person for it! I thank you with all my heart for making me realise who I truly am.
Working with John has been a truly rewarding experience. He uses a range of psychological techniques to provide an approach which has felt tailor-made to my needs. He is a great storyteller, and these stories have been incredibly useful in opening up the unhelpful beliefs that have held me back from achieving what I want.
John’s gentle, constructive approach makes personal change a much less difficult journey.
I was looking for help with weight loss, but that was just the tip of the iceberg. I had no idea how much more was involved or how it could be dealt with. John has so gently and skillfully guided me through sedating some difficult, unpleasant memories and experiences that were obstructing any progress I was trying to make on my own.
I have learned so much about myself, some good, some bad, but all very worthwhile and productive, and I am beginning to “love myself”, which has been a huge stumbling block for me, but an important thing to achieve.
It has been tough at times, but John inspires great trust in all meanings of the word, and he is as good as his word, he really can help. He has many different techniques at his fingertips, and there will always be one or more to suit the problem and the person. Losing weight has almost been a byproduct of John’s therapy for me, no problem, but the whole package is something I can never thank him enough for.
I am almost ready to step out as a brand new person with a brand new perspective on life and anything it wants to throw at me. John, you are one special, gifted person.
When I went to see John at the start of the year I was in a very difficult place. I felt paralysed and unable to move since being made redundant from my job. I was depressed, uncommunicative and desperately unhappy. Since seeing John, my life has turned around; I am comfortable with change and feel able to try almost anything. My self-confidence has reappeared, and I have been able to launch two businesses. I feel energised and invigorated and look forward to each and every day.
I no longer panic about the future or obsess about the past and how I have been wronged. At the same time, I am still very aware of the past and what happened in it, but I now feel that I own my history and accept it, and I take responsibility for my life and choices every day. I have a clear view of what my values are and my strengths and weaknesses, and I continue to work daily on those areas that I need to improve further, and life feels much better. I highly recommend John.
Hi John, I am properly back at work now, sticking to my rule of not taking work home, hitting the gym in the week and giving the appearance of a swan – mostly serene and less moments of hysteria! I’ve even managed to have some civilised conversations with the management! Thank you so much for all your help and support, I’m still not quite sure how you turned it all around for me! The mp3 downloads are keeping me on track and making sure that I don’t fall back – Thank you.
Hi John, I just wanted to say thank you properly for all your help and support over the last month. I can’t believe it’s only four weeks since I first came to see you, as I now feel like a totally different person. I had got to the stage where I was just completely fed up with drinking a bottle of wine every night, yet didn’t seem to be able to stop – you totally changed this for me. I’ve had a few ups and downs, but now I feel as though I have a choice about whether I drink alcohol or not, rather than alcohol controlling me. You have enabled me to change the way I look at alcohol and at life. I feel so much happier and calmer, and have got my self respect back. I honestly can’t thank you enough.
Testimonial Disclaimer
Sometimes, it is hard to know who to choose to work with as therapist’s styles differ. To help you get a feel for who I am and how I have helped others, here are a few of my client testimonials. These Testimonials provide the perspective of individuals who are successful and/or enthusiastic about their experience. Testimonials are not representative of everyone’s experience and only provide information about the individual’s experiences as to the point in time when they are provided. All testimonials are authentic and accurate. No one has been paid to share their stories here.