Goal of video
Who are we? Or what are we? Is a question people ask themselves at some time or another, and especially when they feel lost, stuck or unhappy.
I often wonder if the people who don’t ask those questions are happier (or just more accepting of being in life) rather than trying to control life.
I don’t have all the answers, but I do have lots of perspectives and lots of tools that help us ponder this “who am I?” question in a way that can be constructive and liberating. In addition, I have spent a long time exploring that question and have found some of the answers to be fascinating and very helpful in my own journey to free myself from myself.
Key messages
There is a part of you that has anxiety – but there is also a part that does not – which one you align with is very important because they will both have a different internal dialogue (how you speak to yourself in your mind).
The story your internal anxiety or OCD self tells you is very different now to before you had OCD!
What I discuss in this video is the path (the point of view) that freed me from my own OCD; it’s not all original; however, how I have pulled it together may give you some powerful new insights into what you can control and what you can’t control in your mind – and who is trying to do the controlling!
It’s a long video, so you may have to watch it in chunks, but I didn’t want it to cross multiple videos because you need to know the whole story to see the big picture.
I, my, me – seems to be three differing aspects of you. I seems to be the observer, my seems to be the thoughts and me seems to be the body.
I introduce you to the cast of characters in your head, the judge, victim, pleaser, controller, princess, etc., and we explore how they may live together in more harmony.
Where do you go when you sleep? You are not there but the body manages perfectly. Maybe your body doesn’t need you, but you need the body.
The observer is the rider, and the self-running body is the horse.
The formless rider can be calm even if the form of the horse is agitated.
Between the ages of 0 to 7, an operating system gets installed in the horse’s brain – this unconsciously runs the show but can be reprogrammed by the conscious mind.
The formless twenty-year-old within us – could that be our Soul?