John Glanvill • Anxiety Specialist & Researcher • Anxiety • OCD • Bipolar • ADHD • Energy • Online Treatment Course • Sensible Spirituality

How to stop procrastinating and get on with your life

In this 50-minute video, I advise you on how to stop procrastinating and take more effective action towards the life you’d rather be living.

And because what you do with your time will become the expression of your life, it is very sensible to use your time effectively.

Information about this video

I’ve called this video – Using common sense as an antidote to procrastination!

Because whether you call it procrastination, distraction, self-sabotage, or not knowing what you want. Or a lack of motivation, skills or knowledge.

The irony is – even though you might not know what to do – face facts, you have unconsciously decided to do nothing or are knowingly (or unknowingly) doing something that distracts you from engaging with a richer life, like lying in bed, staring at a screen all day or being in a job you dislike.

And common sense indicates this to be true – because unless you were feeling some inner desire to take action or change something, you wouldn’t feel bad about procrastinating, would you?

And, if you say, “well, others are guilting me into feeling bad about my inaction”, then realise you have abdicated the power of authority (of your life) to that person rather than just owning and accepting your choice to squander this rarest opportunity to be in a body here in Earth-school.

Where you, the Observer, the immortal and formless rider of the horse, are in the perfect environment to practice learning detachment from pain (and discomfort) on the road to discovering how to love yourself, operate in your own best interest and actualise your innate creativity as I discussed in video 32 part 1.

And even if that’s not true – might it be a good story you might temporarily use to placebo your unconscious mind into believing, so it will take action now – and is not procrastinating until you find a truth you are more comfortable with!

I like a couple of quotes on procrastination.

“Remember, it’s more mentally tiring to think about what has to be done and all the things that might go wrong than it is to physically do the job.” – (Jack Camfield)

I’ve usually found that to be true.

And – “Until you value yourself, you won’t value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.” – (M. Scott Peck)

As I’ve said before, time is one of life’s most precious commodities, and have you fully embraced the concept that – what you do with your time will be the expression of your life?

So, if you are wasting time or your procrastination is hiding under other labels such as fear or not knowing what you want.

Or distractions like working too hard in the wrong job, researching (rather than doing) or having a low self-worth story (which tries to talk you out of taking action), then this is the video for you,

I want to encourage you, not by being friendly and supportive, but with some tough love – by urging you to make yourself honestly accountable for where you are right now and who you would like to become.

Because it’s my experience that about 70% of people who say they wish to be free from anxiety tend to sabotage their recovery by unknowingly playing the game of life in ways that don’t pass the common sense test.

One of my early mentors knew this, and he told me (about becoming a therapist), “John, do it because you desire to do it, not because you want to change people!”

He added, “Make your measure of success your continued growth and happiness, not theirs, because people will only change when they are ready to change.”

And he said, “It’s shocking how much crap some humans will tolerate before they wake up to the fact they don’t need to be horrible to themselves, and everything they wish for is available (to some degree) if they were only to begin behaving in new ways and thinking differently, thus changing their perceived notion of what reality is.

He said, “Show them it’s possible, then the rest is up to them!”

So, this video is for you to ask yourself.

How am I doing?

What is it I truly desire?

And, where might I be knowingly (or unknowingly) sabotaging my own experience of life?…….

Continued in the video…